Payment Policy | Secure Transactions at Skate Bids LLC

Payment Policy | Secure Transactions at Skate Bids LLC Skate Bids

Payment Policy | Secure Transactions at Skate Bids LLC Skate Bids


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Payment Policy

Our payment-related policies ensure buyers & sellers have consistent access to familiar & secure payment methods, transparent information on how to pay & what to pay for, & know what to do if something goes wrong.

For more details, please see the individual policy guidelines below.

Only payment methods offered at Skate Bids checkout are allowed.

To help provide a safe experience, we only allow payment methods that offer strong protection for buyers & sellers.

What is the policy?

The following payment methods are not allowed:

  • Sending cash through the mail
  • Point-to-point cash transfer services such as Western Union or MoneyGram

The following payment methods are offered at Skate Bids checkout:

  • PayPal
  • PayPal Credit
  • Credit card or debit card

Activity on Skate Bids is required to:

  • Follow all applicable laws
  • Respect the rights of third parties
  • Follow the Skate Bids User Agreement
  • Follow this Skate Bids policy

If activity doesn’t meet these requirements, Skate Bids may take action consistent with applicable laws & the Skate Bids User Agreement & may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: administratively ending listings or cancelling transactions, hiding or lowering the placement of listings in search results, lowering seller rating, restricting buying or selling, forfeiture of fees, loss of buyer or seller protections, restricting access to member communication & rating tools, removing feedback, & account suspension.

Learn about payment methods that are easy to use, secure, & offer strong protections against fraud.

Unpaid Items Policy

Buyers must pay for the items they purchase on Skate Bids within 4 calendar days.

If the buyer doesn’t pay within this timeframe, the seller can cancel the order & an unpaid cancellation will be recorded on the buyer’s account.

What is the policy?

When a buyer commits to buy something on Skate Bids – by winning an auction, agreeing to an offer with a seller, or selecting Buy It Now in a listing – they are obligated to complete the purchase by sending full payment to the seller.

Before they commit to buy, buyers should note:

  • All the terms that the seller has included in the listing, including shipping & handling costs

Failure to pay for items is a violation of our abusive buyer policy. 

When a seller cancels an order because the buyer hasn’t paid, the unpaid cancellation is recorded on the buyer’s account. Buyers who have excessive unpaid cancellations may have limits imposed by a seller or by Skate Bids, or lose their buying privileges.

Managing unpaid orders

  • Sellers can cancel an order if the buyer hasn’t paid after 4 calendar days & up to 30 days after the order is placed.
  • Sellers shouldn’t use the reason “Buyer hasn’t paid” to cancel an order when the buyer has paid, or they may:
    • Have all credits reversed for the time period in question
    • Lose the ability to use the fee credit system
    • Be subject to suspension
  • Skate Bids will automatically remove any feedback left by a buyer who didn’t pay for an order when:
    • The seller cancels the order due to the buyer’s failure to pay
    • The buyer is suspended

Activity on Skate Bids is required to:

  • Follow all applicable laws
  • Respect the rights of third parties
  • Follow the Skate Bids User Agreement
  • Follow this Skate Bids policy

If activity doesn’t meet these requirements, Skate Bids may take action consistent with applicable laws & the Skate Bids User Agreement & may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: administratively ending listings or canceling transactions, hiding or lowering the placement of listings in search results, lowering seller rating, restricting buying or selling, forfeiture of fees, loss of buyer or seller protections, restricting access to member communication & rating tools, removing feedback, & account suspension.

Learn how Skate Bids sellers are protected when buyers don’t pay for items they’ve won in an auction or bought.

To make sure buyers & sellers are fully protected, transactions that started on Skate Bids cannot be completed off our site.

Activity on is required to:

  • Follow all applicable laws
  • Respect the rights of third parties
  • Follow the Skate Bids User Agreement
  • Follow this Skate Bids policy

If activity doesn’t meet these requirements, Skate Bids may take action consistent with applicable laws & the Skate Bids User Agreement & may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: administratively ending listings or canceling transactions, hiding or lowering the placement of listings in search results, lowering seller rating, restricting buying or selling, forfeiture of fees, loss of buyer or seller protections, restricting access to member communication & rating tools, removing feedback, & account suspension.